Caribbean 2024


Caribbean 2024

Jan - Feb
Brief Itinerary
(full detail itinerary following brief itinerary)

Brief Itinerary

January 27 SatFlight BOI to DEN (Denver) to ORD (Chicago)
Jan 28 SunFlight ORD to SXM (St Maartin)
Jan 28-Feb 11
St Maartin - Seaview Beach Hotel
Feb 11 SunFlight SXM to ORD
Feb 12 Mon   Flight ORD to BOI

Full Detail Itinerary by Day

Deciding to Go

Lounger in my back yard - kids sledding on all the snow I have shoveled
Temps at or below freezing
Gray Sky
Only a few minutes drive to the Boise Airport
Seem like a no brainer
Caribbean here I come
Picked St Maartin again, just like last year

Jan 27
Flight BOI to ORD (Chicago) that flight filled up.
So Plan B
BOI to DEN (Denver) then to ORD looks better.
The first thing in the morning the flights look full but I was really lucky there were people that did not show up so I got on both flights.
 - You have to be flexible when flying standby-

Over night at the Hilton ORD

A Fig pizza very different and very very good - but I guess it is Chicago which is known for Pizza.

Took the "L" (Metro) to Rosemont (suburb of Chicago) to Crust Brewing for Beer and Pizza. 

Sampled 3 beers:
Got a big glass of the "Get'n Blitzen'd
Great food, good beer and a great atmosphere
A random friendly person on the shuttle bus (from train station to the "entertainment  district") heard me ask the driver if there were restaurants at the stop and they recommended Crust Brewing

Jan 28
Flight ORD to SXM

Landing at SMX (St Maartin) over Maho Beach.
This is a favorite spot to view the planes coming in really low over the beach.  I sit in the bar in the photo and watch the people, very entertaining.

The pool at the Sea View Hotel and the beach right in front of the hotel.  This hotel goes on my keeper list.  Basic but nice and fantastic location.

Jan 29
My first full day.
My neck has been kind of still my doctor recommended a massage and muscle relaxers.
Well a on-the-beach massage is best so I had to take this trip - You know Doctors orders.

As for muscle relaxers
I thought take 2 and call me in the morning
Was not sure what muscle relaxer I should use so I ordered one called "The Painkiller"
There is a possibility that I totally misunderstood my Doctor, but it works for me ☺

At my favorite restaurant on the Island
I was on the bridge next to the restaurant when one of the staff come over and said hi - even remembering my name.  Wow I have trouble remember my own name in the morning ☺

This is the Costa Ship that I did my Transoceanic Cruise on in Oct/Nov/Dec.  What are the odds of that ☺

Jan 30

I stopped by the Big Bastard's Bar and Restaurant today where I spent most my time last year.  The owner and several of the staff remembered me such nice people and a great deal on beach loungers, umbrellas, food and drinks!  Wish I was lounging there this year, but loungers and umbrellas are included with my hotel.
But only short walk to get drinks and food from them.

the Coffee Lounge & Bold Buddha Restaurant (new location this year right on the beach and right beside the Big Bastard's) Talked with the owner a very nice person.
It is amazing what a small world it is - chatted with two guys at One owns Caribbean Resort | Beachside Villas in Simson Bay (so I will have to check it out for future trips) and his son goes to Boise State University (he said he had not heard of BSU or Boise until his son wanted to go there.  The other one a pilot for an airline so we could talk standby travel.

Had a long conversation with a really nice guy from Hungary, it is so much fun to meet and talk with people from all over the world.

Well that is all for now I am kind of busy ☺


Jan 31

Took the local buses (Vans) to the French Side of the Island today.

The Dutch/French Border on the Island.
You just drive across no Customs.

Orient Bay very nice.
Last year there was lots of sea grass on the beach and in the surf that you had to walk through to get in the water, but not this year. (so back to normal)

Lunch at the Pirates Hide out
Coconut Curry with Chicken
So Good, I remembered it from last year.
And you have to have the "Fire in the Hole" Drink - so Good!

Did a little Snorkeling, not a really good snorkeling area, but enjoyable to just relax.

Glad it's not my sail boat

the the fish seem to be enjoying it.

If you need to use the toilet while snorkeling they have you covered.

Just Cruising along the bottom

Another Day Comes to an End
Just relaxing, but I have been getting my steps in for the day, just looking around.

Feb 1

Being really lazy this morning, just hanging at the Coffee Lounge have my morning Chai Tea latte and Croissant. Such nice people so friendly, and the Chai Tea Latte is fantastic!

My morning view!

Some fun signs:

My Shadow selfie
Lunch and drinks
Spent time talking with the owner and staff
Got to know them last year
Very nice group of people

One day here had a long conversation with some English people, I had to really listen as they had quite an accent.   

Another day comes to an end.

Feb 2
Same O Same O
Chai Latte at the Coffee Lounge
Hanging out at the Big Bastard's Beach Bar
Lounging at the beach at my hotel
There was a brief rain storm,
        and it cooled off to 80 Degrees that is new
Watching the Cruise Passengers getting off the water taxi and about 1/2 streaming into "Diamonds International" like there wasn't a Diamonds International at their last port and the one before that. 
The day ends with another fantastic sunset.

Feb 3

Not being as lazy today.  I am taking an online course,  stay tuned for more on this in future posts, very exciting.

Dinner at my favorite dinner restaurant.

Feb 4

Had a very social day, for anybody that worries if I'm social or not, lots of places closed today I was looking for a place for breakfast, had wifi, and a power outlet for my laptop (still working on the online class they said 5-10 hours to complete, I think I might be at least 10 hours or more for me).  Found one but there was this young man setting at the table by the outlet.  He right away offered to move, it also put him closer to the TV and the Football (soccer) game he was watching, so a win for both of us. I struck up a conversation with him soon a  nice young lady joined him the three of us had a very good conversation (we are now friends on Facebook), as they left a couple about my age, sit down on the other side of me, we were on the same Chicago flight and we had shared a taxi to town so we talked for some time (they are now following my travel blog) A enjoyable long lunch!!!  We are going to have dinner together on Thursday.

A sighting of the very rare electric palm tree, in it's native habit.

It Sunday and no ships in port today.
So double slow today, almost an empty town.
Lots of places are closed, two of my favorite place the Coffee Lounge & Big Bastard also closed.

As I walked past a couple laid back on a bench, I committed on how relaxed they looked.
A little while later they walked into the Coffee Lounge where I was having my tea and we both laugh and then had a good conversation. 

Feb 5

When to Simpson Bay area and Maho Beach (sunset beach) at the end of the airport runway.  Watching the people watch the planes, very entertaining!

A Snack at the Coffee Lounge, but this location is in the Simpson Bay - an area by the airport.

Lunch at the Big Bastard (again).  Spent the afternoon there, laptop, WiFi, power outlet - working on my online class - very exciting stuff stay tuned.

Another day come to an end.
a little windy today and bigger waves.

Feb 6

Back to Orient Bay on the French side of the island
The weather in Philipsburg was windy with big waves.
I was right the weather is much better on this side of the island and calm sea.

I took the local buses and had lots of conversions with local people.
One man was excited that I was going local.
Said more people only stay at their resorts and only take taxis everywhere and never really talk with the local people. 

Lots of these riding on a fin, their feet are not strapped to the board very impressive.

The Coconut Curry (again) with added chicken it is so good. The orange looking things is a fried banana.
At the Pirates Hideout restaurant

The Pirates' Hideout's Staff taking a break.
And dancing

The board surfer are amazing to watch
They did not crash they were done and getting out.

Some beach visitors

Feb 7

Wow the first one I have seen in a while, but the classes that I decided to take while on the island started early
(posts on my class come soon - just building the suspense) 
This day was my in the pool SCUBA lesson.
Went great, the instructor seemed very surprised at my comfort level in the water.
But I snorkel a couple of times a year.

Feb 8

Walking in the rain, it is warm, on the deserted boardwalk after dinner and after the ships have left.

Dinner at the Green House again.
the very nice young man that I met several days ago invited me to dinner.  We talked for a couple of hours, well people know me so more like 85% me 15% him, or maybe 90/10  a very enjoyable dinner.

Feb 9-10

I spent the last couple of days doing an online SCUBA class with PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) and passed with 98% (needed at least a 75%) so great.
Was suppose to go out Thursday but the current and visibility was so bad they cancel the class. (worked out OK to move the class back because I have the days)(also work out OK because I could go to dinner with the person I met (see Thu above))

On the first day just me, instructor and boat capt.
I only got a few things done and had some sea sickness problems so we returned early.
but I was able to get through a lot of drills quickly.
They were really good about it and suggested some sea sickness pills.

Out for another day this time with a full boat of divers.
We stopped first for one of the divers to be refreshed before the main dives.  The refresher only took about 10 minutes for them underwater.  You refresh if you have not done a dive in the last year (so very good for me to see as I will not dive that often so now I know about refreshers for me for the future)

Sorry no underwater photos

I was busy doing training and a GoPro's needs a housing to go more than 33 feet down (so great for my snorkeling but needed a housing for future diving, I ordered one and it is at my house this Friday, but not much good for now)
My 4 dives were around 50 feet down.
Saw a octopus, barracuda, a reef shark, two ship wrecks, reefs, lots & lots of fish and a steel bridge they sunk to made a reef. So much fun!!! 😃
It was great to seeing all the other divers and learning from what they were doing, they had under water guide for the group.
I was the only student with my instructor  so very one on one.  A great guy from Austria, on the island for the summer.
Also an instructor in training that helped with the instruction, she was from Holland.
The instructor was very happy with how comfortable I was in the water, so we could run through skills really quickly because I was able to do most the first time.

* Take mask off, put it on, blow air in it to clear the water out, I do this while snorkeling so very easy.  Instructor said that for most people this takes awhile.
* Remove Regulator and replace and clear the water out.
* Learn all the hand signals
* Instructor signals out of air, you grip him, give him your spare regulator and help him to the surface
* Your signal our to air and the instructor helps you
* emergency surface exhaling all the way up not taking any breaths just blowing out, like you are out of air.
* Normal surface with a 3 minute safety stop at before surfacing
* Maintain Neutral buoyancy, using your beathing to go slightly up (breath in) slightly down (breath out).
This was the hardest thing to work on making lots of slight adjustments
* and Lots more.

On the last dive no drills just a dive
(did better with the neutral buoyancy)

Spent most of the time around "The Bridge" sunken metal bridge, lots of fish and coral.
I could have taken pictures during this time except to deep for my GoPro camera

The underwater housing for future trips arrived at my house on Friday.  (thanks to Amazon)
I am now an open water certified SCUBA diver, for the second time in my life. I was certified and did diving while in college. About 10 hours of online classes and 4 training dives, way fun.

Lots of cheering and congratulations from the other divers for the newly certified diver.
They said they had never heard of someone who has certified twice.
I has been so long and the equipment has changed so much I thought the best thing to do was the whole beginner course.

Wow all so helpful!!!

The dive boat - all the tanks air'ed up and ready to go.

The Dive boat - you can see all the tanks lining the sides of the boat.  I used two tanks during my dive.

View from the Green House Restaurant - Probably not going to be my view in Boise  ☺

My last day comes to an end.
I thought about stay a few more days or maybe a week.
I looked at flights, but they are all booked almost full for the next week and my flight has 39 seats empty on it.  I fly stand-by so if there is a seat I get on, if full I look at the next flight.  I could figure out why my flight was the only one with seats?  Well, obviously I am not a sports fan, I heard someone talking about the Super Bowl, so I look when that was - during my flight - so duh that is why there are seats!

Feb 11

Flight SXM to ORD

A fruit crepe for breakfast at OMG restaurant along with a great juice drink with GINGER (anything with ginger is good - huh)

My view at breakfast

As we turn onto the runway, you can see the people lined up on Maho beach for our jet blast.

United was really nice to me and exit row all to myself - I am a happy camper!

just a quick comparison of the weather
What in the world am I doing, why am I on this plane, why am I not on the beach, questioning my sanity -
well at least I will be skiing

There was a couple about my age from Chicago
We flew in on the same flight
We shared a Taxi to town
Saw and visited several times
on the same flight back to Chicago
(but they are in first class)
When I boarded, holding my boarding pass in hand and looking at it.
I said I think you are in my seats
They said I could sit in their laps
Until we all laughed the passengers around them were concerned about the problem.

Overnight in Chicago at the Hilton ORD

Feb 12

Flight ORD to BOI
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